Reich Intercooler IC
The systems of the REICH AIRMASTER® IC InterCooler series combine the functionality of a universal unit (UK series) with those of an intensive cooling system (IKK series). The unique feature of this hybrid is its ability to realise all thermal processes, including intensive cooling in a single unit.
- Allows all processes in one system: Warming – drying – smoking – boiling – rinsing – intensive cooling
- Works without zone separation! No downtime of individual sections of the system
- Time-consuming and costly internal company transport paths removed
- Packaging-ready goods after a universal process chain
- Best-possible microbiology
- No expensive and maintenance-intensive transport system
- 100 % flexibility allows 100 % capacity utilisation
- Lower costs (investment and maintenance)
- Less space needed
- Made in Germany
- PLUS all other benefits of the REICH AIRMASTER® UK series
What makes the InterCooler Unique?
After smoking/cooking a product needs to be cooled to its packing temperature, it must be done efficiently, gently & microbiologically safe.
A lot of systems use a semi-automatic transport system with zone separation door. The disadvantages of this system are the high transport costs, lack of flexibility, workload gaps (due to time variance of different processes) and high maintenance & repair costs.
- Reich InterCooler technology combines both functionalities into one system without the disadvantages of the semi-automatic transport system.
The InterCooler Series is equipped with many options as standard which include; interlock pneumatic door system, cool rinse with fine atomization Eco boost as well as automatic door opening with the built in cleaning cycle.
Reich InterCooler uses the proven vertical airflow technology used in the Airmaster UK series which already works with very strong ventilators however on the IC series, the air volume has been increased to achieve higher outputs and improve efficiency.
Modular Construction
One module corresponds to one trolley. Each module is equipped with its own motor, fan wheel, heat exchanger, nozzles etc..
There are huge advantages of keeping the chambers modular:
- Long chamber life through heavy duty construction
- Absolute uniformity of all trolleys including the largest units
- No energy loss
- Higher process temperatures are possible (Standard 160 Celsius, Optional 300 Celsius)
- Short installation times
- Highest airflow volume
Reich InterCooler Systems can be fitted with electric or steam heating